XML building using lamdas

date: "2023-02-17"
Categories: ["Development", "ruby", "rubylang"]
Tags: ["Development", "Ruby", "Functional"]

When you need to build XML or HTML programmatically, there’s no shortage of libraries available, such as XmlBuilder, Nokogiri, or REXML. But have you ever thought of building it yourself? Here, we’ll explore how to use curried lambdas for this purpose.

A basic HTML element is typically represented as:

<tag attributes>children</tag>

We can convert this structure into a curried lambda in Ruby:

node = -> tag, attrs, children { "<#{tag} #{attrs}>#{children.join}</#{tag}>" }.curry

In this representation, the children are an array of nodes. For our current approach, attributes are represented as strings.

The beauty of currying lambdas is evident as it allows us to “pre-initialize” them. We can then bind these lambdas to variables as shown below:

div = node.("div")
table = node.("table")
thead = node.("thead")
tbody = node.("tbody")
tr = node.("tr")
th = node.("th")
td = node.("td")

Now, leveraging these foundational building blocks, constructing an HTML structure, like a table, becomes a breeze:

page = table.('class="table"').(


View XML/HTML code

If you print the page source you will see that it’s only on one line. To view it as a tree, you can use this pretty_xml lambda:

require 'nokogiri'

pretty_xml = ->(xml_str) do
  doc = Nokogiri::XML(xml_str) { |config| config.default_xml.noblanks }
  doc.to_xml(indent: 2)
pretty_html = ->str { Nokogiri::HTML(str).tap { |a| a.to_html(indent: 2) } }

## Example usage
puts pretty_xml.(page)

It will give something like this

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">
    <table class="table">

To view in MacOS Browser

browse = -> page {
  file = "/tmp/my_page.html"
  File.write(file, page)
  system("open '#{file}'")

This will open up your browser to visualize your page.


Using curried lambdas in Ruby not only provides an elegant and precise way to articulate functionality but also offers a remarkably concise approach to creating Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). The ability of lambdas to undergo partial application allows for flexibility across the codebase, paving the way for efficient and streamlined DSL creation.